Mountain Men is an American reality television show created by Warm Springs Productions for History Channel. Mountain Men documents the lives of several mountain men living off the grid in rural mountainous areas of the United States. Tom Oar and his brother Jack Oar, pictured above, paddle the Snake River in Montana as they set beaver traps for the upcoming winter. Tom Oar resides year round in the Yaak Valley of northwestern Montana. My role on the production was Camera Operator and I filmed the project on the Panasonic hpx300 and hpx3000.
Tucker Neary - Cinematographer | Location - Idaho
This was a shoot for two Network Television shows for History Channel. The work was completed at Warm Springs Productions and the cameras used were the Panasonic HVX 3000, Canon 5D and Sony FS700. Tucker Neary was hired as a Camera Operator for this television series. Tucker Neary is a Cinematographer located in Denver Colorado with experience in Documentary, Broadcast Television, Commercial and Web Video Production and specializing in Action Cinematography.