Mountain Men is a reality television show created by Warm Springs Productions for History Channel. Mountain Men documents the lives of several mountain men living off the grid in rural mountainous areas of the United States. I worked as a Camera Operator on the show and filmed characters Tom Oar, Jack Oar and Jason Hawk.

No Man's Land is a reality television show produced for History Channel by Warm Springs Productions. No Man's Land is a tv series that takes a look into the lives of several men surviving off the grid in the barren landscapes of the American desert. On this show, I documented Rick Gibson, a former Navy man who calls California's Death Valley home. Rick makes a living in the Mojave desert by searching abandoned mines for vintage mining equipment and other valuable items that were once left behind. I worked as a Camera Operator on No Man's Land. 

History Channel

Role: Camera Operator

Year of completion: 2015/2016

Work completed at Warm Springs Productions












History Channel

Role: Camera Operator

Year of completion: 2014

Work completed at Warm Springs Productions